Why Carpenter Ants Invade Tukwila Homes

When we say ant, when comes to mind? A horde of tiny insects invading your picnic? Little mounds of sand emerging from sidewalks? All ants have segmented bodies with six legs and bent antennae. Though all ants look somewhat similar, not all ants are alike. Today, we're going to discuss the carpenter ant - a destructive ant species that gnaw through the wood to create nests.

The carpenter ant is about 5/8 of an inch long and varies in color from reddish-brown to black. Like other creatures, they come into your home in search of food, shelter, and water. Fortunately, not all carpenter ants decide to stick around. They will, however, become a problem if they find rotten or moisture-damaged wood to construct their nests.

Four Notable Attractors Of The Carpenter Ant

Everyone knows that carpenter ants love nothing more than chomping down on timber, but did you know that these insects don't actually eat wood? Instead, they build a network of tunnels leading to their nests. Once they establish their nests, they travel to find a viable source of food.

If you already have a carpenter ant problem in your Tukwila home, supplying them with the nutrients they need to thrive will only make it worse. If you don't have a carpenter ant problem, it's best to practice preventative measures to avoid one from developing. Here are four non-wood substances that may attract carpenter ants to your home:

  1. Meats And Fruits: Most ant species adore the smells of protein, sweetness, and sugar that come from common food items like meats and fruits.
  2. Pet Food: The dry food you provide your pets, if left out, will draw in pests like the hungry carpenter ant.
  3. Dead Insects: Carpenter ants are omnivores. If there are any small insects dead nearby, the carpenter ant is just as likely as any spider to scavenge its remains. Therefore, other insect problems in your home may be an attractant for carpenter ants.
  4. Aphids: Of all the insectoid pests out there, carpenter ants are fond of the aphid. Aphids are sap-sucking pests that secrete a sweet liquid called honeydew. Their sweetness makes them an irresistible meal for the carpenter ant.

Signs Of A Carpenter Ant Infestation

Carpenter ants typically create their nests in moisture-damaged wood. They rarely nest in dry wood. As they establish their nests and grow their colony, they can cause extensive damage as they tunnel through wood. Most of the damage is unseen, but you may notice exit holes and small piles of debris.

Aside from wood shavings associated with tunneling, you may also see workers within your home or on your property. A sure sign of a carpenter ant problem is the presence of large, winged ants in your home. If you see winged ants flying from wall voids or ceilings, it's time to call in the professionals.

Keep Carpenter Ants Out Of Your Tukwila Home

A carpenter ant problem is no joke, and the best way to eliminate a problem is to partner with a professional. Our experts at Alta Pest Control have the experience and tools necessary to eliminate carpenter ants from your property for good. We begin by inspecting your property, locating entry points, and identifying common attractants. Then, we come up with a plan to take care of your pest problem.

If you're worried about ants or other problem pests, take advantage of the team of specialists available to you at Alta Pest Control! With our low-impact approach to pest control, we will eliminate your pest problem without harming the environment. We offer one-time or recurring pest control plans to ensure that your home remains protected from the threats of dangerous pests. Don't wait another minute! Contact us today to schedule your inspection.