What Attracts Crickets Into A House And How To Keep Them Out

What Attracts Crickets Into A House And How To Keep Them Out
What Attracts Crickets Into Your House?

Dealing with the constant chirping of crickets inside your home can be quite a nuisance for homeowners. Although these insects are generally harmless, their presence can disrupt sleep and cause irritation. Understanding what draws crickets to your house and implementing effective prevention strategies is key to keeping them out. This article will cover the factors that attract crickets and offer practical tips to keep them away from your home.

What Attracts Crickets Inside the House?

Crickets are drawn to warm and sheltered environments. Here are some of the key factors that attract them:

Food and Water Sources

Crickets are opportunistic feeders. They are attracted to easily accessible food and water sources, such as pet food and water dishes left out in the open. Indoor garbage cans that are not emptied regularly also appeal to these insects. Fresh produce or fruit baskets left outside the refrigerator can be another attractant.

Moisture and Darkness

Crickets thrive in environments with moisture and darkness. Leaky faucets or pipes provide a constant source of moisture, creating ideal conditions for crickets to thrive under sinks or in other dark, damp areas.


Crickets are attracted to warm environments, especially as the weather cools down outside. They may seek warmth inside homes during colder months.

Light Sources

Crickets are naturally drawn to light, particularly bright lights. Outdoor lights, porch lights, and even indoor lights can attract crickets to your home, making it more likely for them to enter through open doors or windows.

Entry Points

Crickets can enter homes through small gaps, cracks, or openings in doors, windows, and foundations. These entry points can be more appealing if they lead to warm, sheltered areas inside.

Vegetation Close to the House

Dense vegetation or mulch beds close to the home's foundation can provide a habitat for crickets. They may then find their way indoors from these areas.

How to Keep Crickets Out Of Your House

Preventing crickets from entering your home requires a proactive approach. Here are some essential tips:

Maintain a Clutter-Free Environment

Crickets seek hiding spots in cluttered areas. Keep your home clean and organized, and remove unnecessary clutter to discourage their presence. Regularly declutter and ensure that items are properly stored to eliminate potential hiding spots.

Address Water Leaks

Crickets are attracted to moisture. Fix any leaky faucets or pipes promptly to eliminate moisture sources. Reducing excess moisture makes your home less attractive to crickets.

Trim Grass and Vegetation

Keep your lawn mowed and vegetation well-maintained. Tall grass and dense vegetation provide hiding places for crickets, making it easier for them to enter your home. A well-groomed yard reduces potential habitats for crickets.

Seal Entry Points

Inspect your home thoroughly for cracks, gaps, and openings. Seal them using caulk or weatherstripping to prevent crickets from entering. This creates a barrier that helps keep crickets out.

Minimize Outdoor Lighting

Crickets are attracted to bright lights. Consider using yellow sodium-vapor lights outdoors instead of white or mercury-vapor lights, as they are less appealing to crickets. Reducing bright lights near your home can lower the chances of attracting these insects.

The Role of Professional Pest Control in Keeping Your Home Cricket-Free

At Alta Pest Control, we specialize in preventing and eradicating cricket infestations. Our professional pest control services offer:

Expert Knowledge

Our skilled technicians understand cricket behavior and can accurately assess the extent of infestations.

Targeted Treatment Plans

We locate entry points and develop specific strategies to eliminate crickets.

Prevention Strategies

We provide guidance on preventing future infestations by addressing common attractants.

For a cricket-free home, trust Alta Pest Control. Contact us today for reliable and efficient pest control solutions!

FAQs - Crickets

What does it mean to have a cricket in your house?

A cricket in your house is simply an insect that has found its way indoors. However, in some cultures, crickets are considered a sign of good luck or prosperity. Regardless of any cultural meanings, addressing any infestation concerns is important to maintain a pest-free environment.

What can I use around my house to keep crickets away?

To deter crickets, you can use diatomaceous earth as a barrier, natural repellents like essential oils, insect-repelling herbs, and minimize outdoor lighting. These measures can help reduce the likelihood of an infestation.

What scent do crickets dislike?

Crickets dislike certain scents, such as peppermint, lavender, citronella, or vinegar. Using essential oils or natural repellents with these scents around your house may help discourage crickets from entering.

Can mothballs get rid of crickets?

Mothballs are designed to repel moths and fabric-damaging pests. While they may have some effect on crickets due to their strong odor, they are not specifically recommended for cricket control. It's best to use targeted cricket repellents or consult a professional pest control service.

Does salt get rid of crickets?

Salt is not an effective method for getting rid of crickets. While it may impact individual crickets, it is not a comprehensive solution for eliminating an infestation. Focusing on preventive measures, such as sealing entry points and implementing effective pest control strategies, is recommended to manage and prevent cricket problems in your home.


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