Ah, chiggers—the tiny terrors that can turn a peaceful day outdoors into an all-out itch-fest. If you’ve ever found yourself furiously scratching away after some backyard gardening or hiking the trails, chances are you’ve had a run-in with these invisible pests.
And yes, sad to say, chiggers are very much a thing here in San Antonio. These little mite larvae are basically invisible to the naked eye but pack a mean bite that can leave you squirming for days.
The Chigger 411
So what’s the deal with chiggers, anyway? These sneaky critters don’t actually bite—they essentially use a straw-like feeding tube to slurp up your skin cells. Delightful, right? Their saliva triggers an intense itching sensation that can drive you halfway to madness.
Chiggers love hangout spots like tall grasses, brushy areas, and damp spots near lakes or streams. Basically, anywhere lush and overgrown is prime real estate for these guys to set up camp. That means your own San Antonio backyard could be hosting an entire chigger bed & breakfast if you’re not careful!
The Itch-Free Game Plan
But don’t panic just yet! There are some easy preventive measures to keep those chiggers from making a meal out of you:
- Cover up: Wear long sleeves and pants when adventuring outdoors.
- Bug spray: Use insect repellent containing DEET or permethrin.
- Stick to paths: Stay on groomed trails and avoid tall grassy areas.
- Shower ASAP: Hop in the shower as soon as possible after spending time outside.
If, despite your best efforts, those little buggers still get you, don’t scratch! As tempting as it is, that’ll only make it worse. Instead:
- Clean the bites well with soap and water.
- Apply anti-itch creams or take an oral antihistamine.
- Distract yourself with a good movie until the urge to scratch passes.
When to Call in the Pros for Chiggers In San Antonio
For the most part, chigger bites are just a nuisance you have to tough out for a week or so. But severe reactions, infection, or an itch you just can’t control may mean it’s time to see a doctor.
And if you’ve got a full-blown chigger infestation making your yard unusable? That’s a job for the pest professionals! The chigger-assassins at Alta Pest Control will treat your outdoor spaces to get rid of these pests once and for all.
With some simple preventive steps and knowing how to treat bites, you can enjoy sunny San Antonio summers without being chigger-chow. But if those itty bitty biters get to be too much, never fear—your friends at Alta have your back(yard).
11549 Old Perrin Beitel Rd
Unit 205
San Antonio, TX 78217
(210) 940-0623
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