Have you ever looked at a slug and the trails it leaves behind and wondered how it is able to produce so much slime? You would think it would run out of moisture, eventually. An even better question is, are slugs or the slime they produce dangerous? We have your answer along with some basic facts about slugs everyone here in Washington should know.
What Are Slugs?
Slugs are just snails without shells .Slugs in our area are light brown to gray in color. If you have ever seen one of these pests around your property, you may have noticed the viscus slime trail they leave behind while slinking about. This mucousy substance is secreted from a slug’s body in order to keep its delicate skin well lubricated and protected while it moves about. How far a slug can travel before drying out depends on a few factors, including how humid the surface they are crawling on is, and the environment around them is. If you didn’t know, these gross-looking pests pull moisture from the environment around them constantly.
How Fast Are Slugs?
lugs are slow creatures, but maybe not as slow as you might think. At full speed, this pest travels at .013 meters per second and this is considered cruising. Smaller and less energetic slugs may travel as slow as .0028 meters per second. To put this into perspective, it would take a fast slug two hours and some change to cross a football field.
Are Slugs Dangerous?
This might seem like a strange answer, but slugs are only dangerous if you eat them. Considering that you are a rational human being who doesn’t put slimy, gross bugs into your mouth, this shouldn’t be a problem. It may, however, be an issue for your pets. Cats and dogs that consume slugs may suffer from excessive drooling and or vomiting. Beyond this, slugs are not harmful.
The Problems Slugs Cause
The reason slugs are considered pests is not because they leave slime trails on the ground or cause animals to have stomach problems, but because they harm plant growth. These slow-moving bugs feed on a variety of living plants and decaying plant matter. Using their rough tongues, they create smooth holes through leaves and flowers. Slugs may also damage strawberry bushes, tomato vines, lettuce, herbaceous plants, and young trees. The more slugs there are around a property, the more noticeable this damage becomes.
Why Do You Have A Slug Problem?
Slugs are wandering pests that go where the wind takes them and they feed on plants that cross their path. If your property has an infestation of these pests, it is likely that they didn’t mean to invade but had no problem sticking around once they found food and moisture around your yard.
Is There An Easy Way To Prevent Slugs?
When it comes to keeping slugs off your property, there are a few things you can do. We recommend eliminating sources of water build-up and making sure your grass and landscaping stay well-trimmed.
If slugs are already a problem around your yard or you are looking for a more effective way to prevent these pests, consider partnering with Alta Pest Control. Our focus is on low-impact solutions that eliminate slugs without harming the environment. We care about your family and we work hard to ensure all of our services are designed with your home and loved ones in mind.
Reach out to us today by phone or through our website to learn more about our slug control and schedule a free pest inspection for your property.
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